Letters Archive Week Ending August 11, 2009

Letters Archive
Week Ending August 11, 2009

Dear Hotohori,

Hi!!! Oh man... It has been forever since I was on here! -I was the one who wrote about the band thing and I took ur advice! I am OUT of BAND and IN CHORUS!! lol :) If u can't remember me, that's okay too. Anyway, my summer has been okayish... I lost 14 pds from my birthday on May 25! And I am 16 = permit! I was so relieved to get it! A lot has been going on with my family...

Firstly, around 2 years ago, my grandma had lung cancer! I was so hurt and I was with her with the blood, sweat, and tears! It was so hard, but she's cancer free (knock on wood) and has been for a year! I am so thankful for everyday she's here with me!

Secondly, my great-grandma passed away this Janurary. She celebrated her 96th (I can't remember...) birthday and three weeks later, she died. I missed school the day she died, but I didn't know she really died, until the afternoon... I was devestated...

Thirdly, I did a musical, Give My Regards To Broadway, and we had a stand ovation both nights!! :) I was so glad because we did so much work and we was being recorded!! AHHHHH!!! But, I survived, and with my crush on stage at my side, we pulled it off with a duet and gave everyone a great show! I'll leave the my crush thing with Nuriko, since I address it to him firstly.

Lastly, I am still single to this day! :( But, I am not giving up hope! I am gonna find that one special guy and be the happiest person on the planet earth!

-Gotta go! Its 5 in the morning, and I am typing this on my phone and sending it to u! I had to get this off my back! ^_~. Hope to hear from u soon!


Dear Brit-Brit,

My condolences on the passing of your great-grandmother. I am glad to hear that your grandmother is doing well and cancer free. It sounds like you are doing well in chorus and I am happy for you.


Dear Nuriko,

Hi, me again. I've been feeling a bit odd lately, as if I'm wandering through my life in a haze. I just feel like I've lost my way in life. Of course, I'm pretty much an adult now, and yet I feel so small in this big world. Not to mention I've been a bit moody and I'm normally quite cheerful. I know it's not depression or anything like that. I just feel... like I'm missing something.

I'm sure other people my age have felt this too, but it's so frustrating for me, and it's starting to affect my general mood. I'm sick of being frustrated and I wish someone could comfort me without judging me for what I say.

If you could help me, or at least provide comfort or something, I'd really appreciate it. I'd love to find my way out of this mental fog I'm in.


Dear Linds,

*Gives her a hug.* Sounds like you're transitioning from being a teen in school to being an adult in the working world. It can be hard sometimes, but once you get to know yourself and start to figure out what you want to do with your life, it will start to go away. Hang in there!


Dear Mitsukake,

hi there, been a while! I hope you and Tama-neko have been well...

I'm really worried about my brother, he's been very sick as of late. He's vomiting a lot, so much that he's losing weight. He's had a blood test, but they couldn't find anything wrong.

My grandfather reckons he should go to the hospital just to have some tests done to find out what's wrong... we know it can't be diet-related as he has been eating healthily.

I'm worried something may be really wrong with him... if he was vomiting a little, we'd just put it to the flu, but he's been like this for a couple of months, and each time we hear from him, he mentions he's losing weight.


Dear Btamamura-chan,

Is he still suffering from Dengue Fever? I know when Chichiri no Aijin had it she was sick for months with it. I hope he is going to the doctor for it.


Dear Tamahome,

Voldemort is now known by me as Voldemortra. LOL Don't ask why. ^_^


Dear SuzakuAngel,



Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*starstruck over "Half-Blood Prince"* Wow. Just... wow. It was imperfect from the beginning, but it was still so awesome... I'm speechless! ^o^


Dear SuzakuAngel,

It was a great movie, wasn't it?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi, everyone! :)

I'm not writing because of a problem... or at least, one that's mine. You see, I've got this friend we'll call Mhie. She's the "class baby"--she's petite, sweet and the youngest student among us. However, she has a boyfriend we'll call Dhie. He has been our upperclassman since last year, and she's been crazy over him since. The thing is, I meant that last part literally: She keeps daydreaming and talking about him. I know that it's not bad, but that's not all. She talks about him even in class; she sticks to him like duct tape; and she whines whenever he's absent. He has even hurt her badly enough to make her slit her wrist, which is also bad for me, the occasional hemophobe.

Okay, I know it's normal for teenagers to do that these days, but she's only twelve years old! I wouldn't mind it, but she's really obsessed and it's annoying. I'm just worried about Mhie, guys; she's too young to go through all this trauma, and seeing as she's the youngest child in her family, I don't think her parents would like this. I don't think they even know about the scars yet.

Thank you so much, guys. :D


Dear xXRandom-CookiefaceXx,

If she is cutting herself FOR ANY REASONyou need to tell her parents IMMEDIATELY! It is a cry for help and it should not be ignored. If you don't feel comfortable telling her parents then you need to tell your parents or another adult that you feel comfortble talking to that will tell them for you. Good luck!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Hey there! I've been busy with my job and I think my first paycheck comes in this week... the 17th maybe if I remember. Anywhoo, I've been messing around with Windows Movie Maker and this is just a production of my boredom. (Think you might like it though)

FY + James Bond Music = Awesomeness.



Dear Linds,

Cool video! Arigato!


Dear Tamahome,

If I paid you, would you moon Nakago?


Dear Sarah,

*Laughs* YES!


Dear Chichiri,

if I paid you, would you make yourself look like Nakago and hurt Tomo?


Dear Meg,

*Laughs* I don't think so because Tomo would probably enjoy it, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Do you believe in equal rights for men and woman?


Dear Sadie,



Dear Mitsukake,

Arigato for your kind words. I always admired your compassion. But, if you ever came across anyone injured from the Seriyuu side, would you have helped them?


Dear Cassie,

I am a healer so, yes.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Okay, can you guys visit the Seriyuu group ? Not that you would want to, but I just wanna know if you guys can walk around and visit other people, like friends and family.

*gives everyone a big bag of Cheetos*


Dear Ashley,

Offline and only in our world. Not online or in your world.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

A hamster is a pet. You can cuddle it and kiss it. *kisses the hamster* I though that you might like a pet.


Dear Ginta,

Thanks... *Looks at hamster and wonders what to do with it...*


Dear Mitsukake,

wow I'm really giving myself a panic attack nowadays...

I've been doing a bit of research and I found that I may have a case of pericoronitis or an inflammation of a small flap of gum from a wisdom tooth.

My wisdom teeth are in a correct angle, but I've read that sometimes debris or food can cause this common problem. Let me tell you, I am NOT willing whatsoever in any way to have anything extracted. There are so many things I'm terrified of that I can't even list them.

It says you can treat the problem with salt-water rinses, mouthwash, and making sure to clean the area under the gum flap or the operculum (it's like a lid)

So I was wondering, how can I clean that particular area? Should I use a waterpick to lift the operculum?

If you can help me out with this rather annoying problem, I'd appreciate it.


Dear Linds,

You can try the saltwater rinses but you would be best off going to your dentist and getting them to give you the proper tools and advice. As for extractions, they can be done when you are sedated/unconcious and it won't hurt you.


Dear Tasuki,

Lemme just say that you are SO lucky to not have to be working 8 hours of pure physical labor like I have to do. XP

Yes my job is productive but in the end, it's like my feet got grabbed by a random big guy who decided to smash a rock on the bottom of each one. It's that painful.

I don't think a college library would be a good place for you. You'd be too loud and kicked out under a minute. *smirks*


Dear Linds,

Yer probably right. Have ya' tried soakin' yer feet in hot water when yer done workin'?


Dear Mitsukake,

I feel like banging my head against the wall and yet I'm laughing inside.

Okay, so I FINALLY managed to go in to see my dentist to get the inflamed gum tissue removed when she notices there's something stuck beneath it.

It was.... a piece of almond.

So all that pain and agony and swelling and worry was from one little piece of a tree nut. XD As soon as she removed it I was able to fully bite down without feeling gum tissue get in the way. It wasn't really swollen after all, but it was actually lifted by the almond.

I don't have any of the proper probing equipment on me (okay, NOW I do.) so for days I was in agony and worrying myself to death over this little problem. I'm just glad it's fixed.

The gum's a bit tender because food + Bacteria = infection/inflammation so I still have to clean and rinse with saltwater to get rid of the infection. I got a little needleless syringe to flush the gum with and a gum stimulator to get any food out before it becomes really inflamed again.

So yeah, kinda gross, but nonetheless, I'm relieved and happy. I'm cured! (kinda)

Linds (yay, I'm healed!)

Dear Linds,

I'm glad you went to see your dentist and that you are ok and did not need an extraction.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hey guys! Hajimemashite??? Woah~~~~! It is really crowded here huh? ahehehe... I can't even imagine how tight your schedules are! All of you are awesome! ahehehe...

hmmm... what was I going to ask you again... Oh! I need opinions... This is for my school and I am just so confused. @_@ For my elective class. I'll be in freshman now... And I'm thinking of taking spanish class OR the choir. I need those two for college somehow... I am thinking of choir to make time for adjustment in the school since it is also needed... And also, to have fun for my first year, since I don't know anyone in that school, for sure... -_-"... Then switch to spanish for the next school year... Is that a good choice? Spanish class is said to be hard, and I need two years for that class for the qualifications... And there might be a chance that I take college during 11th grade... MAYBE... -_-"... And if I reserve choir in the 11th grade, I can adjust my time there better, right? This is the reason why I'm so confused... But being in the choir for the first year is my first choice, so, should I go with that decision??? onegai~~~ help me~~~ TT_TT

I wanted to ask you guys bout this because you give awesome advice... I know that I should follow my heart's desire but I'm too confuse to know what it is! @_@...But if you guys can't pick too, I understand completely... That just means you know what I feel...

Woah! This letter is long! ahahaha! I think this is my longest letter to you guys huh? lmao... And my typing skills has improved lately... I'm amazed myself... ahaha! Yukata~~~!!! Oh, did I sent you guys that character information I needed??? I'm not quite sure if I sent it... If you did, I'll be waiting for it! Just take your time answering it, I'm not in a hurry... ^^ Anyways, thanks for reading my letter and always trying to help me! ^^ You're all awesome, friendly and dependable! WO AI NI minna~~~!!! ^^


Dear Nishita,

Arigato for your kind words! We think when Chichiri no Aijin's computer started acting up and then was wiped and reloaded all the unanswered letters were lost. Gomen nasai! As for your school problem, you may have already made up your mind but, it might be better to do the harder class first, but the choice is ultimately your. Good luck!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Wow, two days and I manage to make at least three new music videos based on you guys :D

Here are my top three:




Hope you guys like 'em! (No Tamahome, I'm not bashing you XD)

Alright time for me to hit the hay. I'm gonna be spending 9am-6pm at work on my shift tomorrow... *slams head on wall* Wonderful...


Dear Linds,

Good videos! Arigato for sending them to us! Nice Tamahome abuse!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

G'day! How's the weather? It's freezing here, as to be expected since it is winter (thank goodness snow here is very rare!)

Have you ever been so frustrated with an object that you broke it? It happened to me not too long ago. It's our new washing machine. I'm in a constant battle with it.

I absolutely HATE that machine! I hate hate HATE it!

Every single time I try to wash my clothes with it, something goes wrong! It only washes halfway then stalls, so I can only spin them and hang them out to dry, or something else frustrating!

Dad showed me a way to try to beat it, he told me to move the clothes around so as to change the balance in the little bucket thing. I watched him do it, it worked like a charm! But, I tried, and gave up after 20 minutes of trying and failing and trying and failing and trying and failing! I was in tears at about the 15 minute mark, it just frustrated me so much! Then, when it wouldn't work for 20 minutes, that was the straw that broke the camel's back! I forced the lid back too hard and managed to break it. The machine still works, and the lid can sit there on it fine, but it needs to be held up when opened.

Like I said, I absolutely HATE that washing machine! And I reckon the workers over the back fence heard a great deal of your fave words coming from me. Thank goodness the neighbour's kid was at daycare at that time.

Anyway, that's it from me about that gosh-darned machine.

Last night, I was watching my Neoromance Festa DVD, mainly the crossover live drama for Angelique and Harukanaru Toki no Naka de. The following seiyuu were present at the event: Seki Tomokazu, Seki Toshihiko, Canna Nobutoshi, Miki Shinichirou, Yuuki Hiro, Ishida Akira, Iwata Mitsuo, Horiuchi Kenyuu, Nakahara Shigeru and Takahashi Naozumi. I couldn't understand a lot of the drama, but there were quite a few things that amused me like Oscar addressing Yasuaki as "Yasuaki-chan", Yorihisa asking the Shugosei if they walked dogs in their world (it somehow came up in the conversation between the Hachiyo), and Tenma asking the Shugosei if they were people in cosplay. XDD

Well, that's the end of my letter. See ya!


Dear Btamamura-chan,

Yeah... That happens a lot to me. *Fanged grin* But I didn't break CnA's laptop! *Looks a bit guilty...* Yer Festa DVD sounds cool! Keep warm!


Dear Nuriko,

hi-hi, Nuri-chan! How are you? Good? I hope so...

I'm finally better, my cold passed. I still get an occasional sniffle in the morning, but it's absolutely freezing during early and late hours here at the moment.

We've been having more rain here, hopefully soon the drought will come to an end.

I had an appointment with a new caseworker the other day, and I felt so nervous meeting her, I actually felt sick as the minutes ticked by. I took my Chichiri plush with me if I should feel too anxious. In the end, my worry was for naught. She's a nice person. I'm just not that much of a people person. But, they'll notice I'm feeling less-anxious when I attend a session empty-handed.

I made more AMVs the other night. One was a gift to two of my friends who are also fans of Angelique and FY. It's a tribute to Olivie, the Guardian of Dream. I decided to have your song Otome Ranman as the music because he seems to have a few things in common with you, such as great choice in fashion.

I hate the washing machine here. I hate hate HATE it, and it's rare for me to hate something so much. It always wins against me. I try washing my clothes, but it stalls halfway or something, so in the end, my clothes are half-washed, then spun and hung out to dry. *sigh* Then the other day, Dad showed me a way to beat the machine should it stall. He told me to open the lid and move the clothes around to change the balance. But, I tried that for at least 20 minutes. I got so frustrated I was crying, and opened the lid so hard I actually broke it a bit. It still works, just needs someone to hold it up now. The other day I was recounting that to my grandfather, and I was near tears by the time I finished. Gah! I HATE that washing machine!!!

Ahem! Um, that's all from me. I look forward to hearing from you.


Dear Btamamura-chan,

I'm glad your cold is better and that the new caseworker is nice. Sorry the washing machine seems to made of pure evil. Maybe it will die and be replaced soon?


Dear Hotohori,

I have a little surprise for you. *smiles sweetly* It took a while and it's not the best quality but I hope you like this little tribute... Be sure to read the info as well! And feel free to look at my other two videos. :) Much love and friendship!


Dear Linds,

I saw it. Arigato! *Smiles and sparkles*


Dear Hotohori,

Alright, time for another (and the final) interview today for my job... Probably by the time you answer this it would've already been done so I guess you can wish me luck?

I'm in a Vocational Exploration course at De Anza and it's my last day. Got a final exam and everything! I'm just glad it's not a pass or fail type of final. And if my interview goes well, I'll be starting work on the 6th. :)

Gotta go now! running late!


Dear Linds,

Good luck!


Dear Chichiri,

your sooo awesome charter!!! Nothing I can say, ya know... so... how are ya? wat's up? ya know.. ^^ Dear Chichiri-kun, I would like to talk with ya sometimes...^^ can ya write me your answer to my e-mail, please?^^ thanks a lot, ya know!

BY: Tasuki's and Chichiri's Lover...

Dear Who, no da?,

Ano... arigato, but you aren't my lover, no da. Gomen, we do not do personal emails. Besides, you should NEVER give your email address to people you don't know, no da!


Dear Tasuki,

your sooo awesome charter!!! Nothing I can say, ya know...~^//^~ how's Kouji-kun? lol just joking... xD i'm asking things only bout ya! ;D so... how are ya? wat's up? ;D Dear Tasuki-kun, I would like to talk with ya sometimes... ^^ can ya write me your answer to my e-mail, please?^^ thanks a lot, ya know!^^

BY: Tasuki's and Chichiri's Lover...

Dear WHO??,

Ya' ain't MY lover! I know I ain't got of o' those! Kouji an' th' bandits are all fine. Sorry, we don't do emails.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

... I was told this morning by our party's adviser--Ben-sensei--that I've been promoted to the position of president. >.< No one's going to listen to me if I get voted anyway! I hate this... *needs another triple-gallon tub of magic ice cream*


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Congratulations! We're all really proud of you! You'll get them to listen to you, have some faith in yourself.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

*walks in your room holding her head* Hey... I'm not feeling so great. I think I'm suffering from second-hand cigarette smoke inhalation since so many people smoke on the college campus. I'm kinda dizzy and nauseous and my eyes sting pretty bad. But I've got homework to do... so much.

I hope you don't mind if I lay down here for a moment. *lays on top of the bedsheets* I'll leave when I feel better, promise. *smiles*


Dear Linds,

Certainly, be my guest! I hope you feel better soon.


Dear Mitsukake,

I've been noticing dizziness and nausea since yesterday when I started my career class at De Anza. But also I'm experiencing eye irritation as well as a clear-drippy nose.

I'm pretty sure it's the second hand smoke from students that smoke near the classroom I'm in. I usually hang out with a couple friends that I've made and some of them are smokers. Now my inbred politeness is starting to be the death of me... because these symptoms of the second-hand smoke kinda come and go. I did my research and the symptoms add up.

Now for the real problem... how to hang out with my friends without having to suffer these annoying symptoms. If you can help me out and possibly tell me how I can make the symptoms go away if they do flare up (sometimes even when I'm not around any cigarette smoke at all but when I've been exposed to it a few minutes ago.) I'd really appreciate it.


Dear Linds,

The first thing is to let your friends know that you are allergic to their smoke and hopefully they will refrain from smoking around you. Other than that, talk to your doctor and see if there is anything they can give you for the symptoms. Also, if I'm not mistaken, you live in a state that does not allow smoking in most public places. Perhaps you can speak with the professor or an administrator at the college and see if they can keep the door closed or post a sign informing the smokers that that area is a no smoking zone.


Dear Chichiri,

The surgery went fine, the aftermath... Not so much. I threw up everything I ate on day two. This is day four. I feel great today though. I've gotten a lot of dolling done, however. Since I have nothing else to do. :3 My prides. Downside, now that I can eat, we have nothing to eat.


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

I'm glad the surgery went well. I'm sorry that you were so sick afterwards, no da. The dolls are very nice!


Dear Nuriko,

nuriko-sama!!! i really miss you!!! it's been a while... ehehe... so how are you now??? uuhhhmmmm.... do you know kinomoto sakura in cardcaptor sakura??? ^_^


Dear jacky,

Arigato! I'm familiar with the anime and manga as well as that character.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

^^ Thanks a lot, guys. Gian-niisan was released from the hospital yesterday--he should have been out yesterday, but Ayi-tousan wanted to watch the soccer finals between USA and Brazil. xD He's already doing fine.

Speaking of dengue, I was hospitalized when I was a kid because the diagnosis said I had it. The thing was, the lab made a mistake, so it was just an ordinary fever I got. Mom ended up busting me out of the hospital in the middle of the night and hiding over at a fastfood restaurant. ^_^ The particular branch we hid in is gone now, but I still remember crouching beneath one of the tables. LOL

Yes, he'll definitely be missed. Stuff in general have felt kinda different ever since... :P Anyway, now that I think about it, I think my sixth sense was active that day... see, I didn't know about MJ-san's passing until I got home from school, because the first news bulletin that showed up on the television just said he wasn't breathing--no other details. But during Values Ed, I was inexplicably depressed, and I said something about cardiac muscles being crushed and surviving it (I meant that as an emotional metaphor) during recess. It's terrifying... Helen-sensei even sarcastically suggested that I might have killed both musicians, and I had wildly thought of this too. *knocks on wood*

-o- Sad week... I also pity Ms. Farrah Fawcett--and she'd just agreed to Ryan O'Neil's proposal! We've gotta face life, though, haven't we? And the first thing I've got to do to face life is to do my homework. Lots of love to you guys!

SuzakuAngel the Disconcerted

P.S. To Shirayuki-san: Thanks for the good wish. I'm not usually emotional when it comes to dramatic themes either, and sometimes I get around to calling myself heartless for it... by the way, congratulations on being the school paper's E.I.C.! Ganbatte with that! ^^ I've always wanted to be in the same position for our paper... xD

To Linds-san: Congrats on getting your Mp3 replaced! ^_^ There was one time when I had no Mp3 and a phone with a low capacity, so I was stuck with short recordings of random stuff while all my buddies were listening to this endless list of music... and besides, I find it hard to study when it's too quiet. o_O

Dear SuzakuAngel,

We're glad your onii-san is out of the hospital and doing better! We don't think you killed MJ with your thoughts, it was just his time and if Farrah-san's passing taught us anything it's to live life to the fullest and to not pass up opportunities when they come knocking.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*smiles* Yes, Justin was very brave. I heard that before surgery he was a bit loopy from the sedatives and started flirting with the nurses and saying "How you doin'?" before they administered the anesthesia. He's a tough guy for a little two year old. He loves his sisters too. You're gonna laugh but he learned one of my nicknames "Lindsay-loo" from my Dad... kid's like a sponge.

And thanks for wishing him well! Poor little guy had at least 7 ear infections within the last 5 months along with his sleep apnea. I'm sure he'll be a lot more healthier now that his tonsils are out.


Dear Linds,

You're welcome! We hope he's feeling better and on his way to a full recovery.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

How do I politely tell my friend that I don't want to see pictures of her year and a half old kid who she thinks is just ADORABLE? >_>

..cause I don't. If I wanted to have anything to do with babies right now, I might have tied myself down to some guy and gotten myself preggers. >.<


Dear Ayame,

Yeah, new parents do that sorta' thin'. *Looks over at Hotohori and Tamahome.* It's kinda hard to do wit'out hurtin' their feelin's. Ya' can try an' do one of two thins'... say, "Yeah whatta cute kid." an' then change th' subject or start showin' 'er pictures of yer favorite thin' or pet an' jus' annoy 'er back till she catches on. Or jus' tell 'er flat out that yer jus' not into kids an' while ya' appreciate how she feels (even if ya' don't) ya'd rather talk 'bout other thins' instead of 'er kid. Good luck!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Well, I just visited my two year old brother at the El Camino Hospital after classes. He came out of surgery a few hours ago to get his tonsils and adnoids removed as well as to place tubes inside his ears. He's doing okay, but he's pretty mad at the fact that his IV can't come out until tomorrow morning. I'm so proud of him though. I've been in the hospital when I was 9 and I kinda went through the same painful side-procedures that he's going through right now. Long story short: no I didn't have surgery.

Katie (my younger sister) and I went to go see him and brought him a new toy to play with. Of course, when I looked at his IV for a while, I suddenly got sqeamish and had to get out of the room for a few minutes to keep from hurling all over the floor. This has NEVER happened to me before, which I find odd. But my guess is that seeing little Justin in pain and with an IV in his hand kinda made me go PTSD for a moment there.

But he's being a trooper. My Dad and stepmom are staying with him tonight and I wish him a speedy recovery in post-op.

Hey, wish the little dude well too! I love my brother to pieces!


Dear Linds,

Please give your little brother our best. He sounds like a brave kid.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Happy Birthday, Tama-kins!! :D Now that Miaka can cook, I hope she makes you a low-cost-yet-still-delicious feast! x3 As you know, it's Seta's birthday, as well, and she has to go out with her family for dinner, or she'd be here as well. I spent the last two weekends with my bf in Philadelphia, PA and Wildwood, NJ! It was the coolest vacation ever! I went to the shore for the first time in years, and found a beached, larger-than-normal horseshoe crab! We bought souvenirs as well, like shirts and stuffed animals, went on rides (it was terrifying @_@), and even his best friend came along (which was annoying at first... but he's a kewl guy, so I couldn't really complain too much). We got so sunburned, even WITH the use of sunblock. xD And apparently I'm transforming myself into a clumsy heroine who trips all the time... I've got cuts and bruises all on my legs and ripped my jeans for the first time since elementary school! Lol, oh well.

Amazingly, the vacation continues on! Seki flew back down to GA with me, and my mom is plotting out a "treasure map" of sorts for us all to follow! It'll lead us into North Carolina, where most of my family is, where we'll visit mining sites in which we can dig up gold and gems! :D Even though I'm a Taurus, I'm very much like you in my appreciation of money and shiny things... so I'm excited xD I'm hoping I can find a nice emerald for a necklace :3 Wish us luck!!

Lots of love to you and Miaka from,


Dear Ayako-chan,

Arigato for the birthday wishes! Please tell Seta happy birthday from me. It sounds like you're having a great vacation! I'm glad to hear it!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I didn't want anyone to feel left out so this is a general question to all the seishi and CnA-Chan do you know of any con's coming up and if so where at and how much? I'm still in the pre-diabetes stage, and haven't lost any weight, though I kinda killed my diet. Oh well. In the weeks you guys have been gone, I got two crowns put on my teeth, scammed out of some money but got it back, thank the heavens. Went on a shopping spree, bought make up, a new purse, and some jewelry. CnA-Chan we should definately meet up again and have some lunch if you're available to do so. Also Happy belated father's day to all the father's out there including Tamahome and Hotohori. Here are some gifts to all the seishi. How's the weather where you live CnA-Chan? Smothering hot? Well; I said what I had to say so I guess I'll leave it up to you to answer back.


Dear Shukumei,

It sounds like you've been busy! It's hot here as well. As you already know Anime Expo is coming to town. We hope you can go and that you have a good time.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

*super GoldenGlomp* TAMAHOME! ^_^ Happy birthday! I was going to give you a credit card at first, but I thought it'd be risky... so here's my other choice for a birthday gift! *hands you a handsome black leather wallet* Say hi to the family for me! :3


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Arigato for the wallet and the birthday wishes! *Smiles*


Dear Hotohori,

I actually found out where I'm going to be working when I start at De Anza. It's like my previous job as a bookseller in Barnes and Noble but I will be helping out in the college library. I know you like reading as much as I do. *smiles* And the campus is just across from my local Starbucks Coffee. I can get mocha frappachinos on my breaks! :D Plus De Anza is about half a mile from my house so I'll just bike there.

What kind of coffee/tea do you like by the way?

Oh, and one more thing: can I have... umm... a little kiss on the cheek? Gomen ne! You don't have to cuz I know you're a married man and all that! Don't mind me. That was a foolish request. *blush*

To SuzakuAngel: I actually ordered a new mp3 player by Creative Zen about a month ago and it's got a longer battery life than my old one. *thumbs up* It's working fine so far! I feel so naked without my music! (wow, that was... a rather disturbing metaphor.)


Dear Linds,

Congratulations on your new job. *Gives her a peck on the cheek.* I like green tea. Ganbatte kudasai!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Eyya amigos! Just happened to drop by to check if you have replied to my last letter, and you sure made my day. Thanks! ^^

I found a really cool site-http://www.zedge.net/theme-maker/ a while ago! It lets you make nifty themes for your cellphone! Right now, I made an Ace Atttorney one the other day... Speaking of which, do you guys know Ace Attorney (Phoenix Wright, Gyakuten Saiban, whatever...)? If not you, then what about Chichiri no Aijin-san? Has she played it? It's such a cool game- the first game I got addicted to since Chrono Trigger (Heard of it yet?) and Pokemon (the Ranger game as well). Allow me to ask you who your favorite characters in the game series, if ever you guys have heard of the said titles.

So, yeah, whatever... I'm supposed to be doing my research now, but I'm taking a break. (That's it - I officially hate Greek literature!) Well, I'm actually looking for some pictures for my Economics project to avoid thinking of any more Greek stuff. I also watched a little of Katekyo Hitman Reborn earlier- you know, it's actually school and mafia, but it's fun! Here's the page: http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reborn!

Aside from the research, there are still school articles that have yet to be corrected. I don't know, but I somehow made it as Rose-senpai's "successor" as E.I.C. of our school paper. Busy days... ^^;

I gotta go now (gotta focus, I mean). Bye, minna! ^^

Sode no Shirayuki

P.S. To SuzakuAngel-san... Ganbatte on the SC elections! ^^ And although I haven't watched "One Liter of Tears" yet, I read the summary once on Wiki. Poor Aya-san... (I just can't seem to cry at all, so I'll do this: T^T) Planning to watch it soon! ^_^

Dear Sode no Shirayuki,

Chichiri no Aijin has played all the Phoenix Wright/Gyakuten Saiban games. She really likes them! You know that there is a fifth game about Miles Edgeworth coming out soon. Congratulations on becoming the E.I.C. of your school paper! Now get back to your Greek lit. research.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

hi-hi, Nuri-chan! How have you been?

I'm still sick with this acursed cold, but it's getting better.

I passed the fandub audition, I'm going to be Lithuania! *dances* He's one of my fave Hetalia characters, so I'm very happy. This is my audition clip.

Yep, he's in NANA. He voices Nobu. Ishida-san voices Shin.

Not much else going on at the moment, but I'm planning an AMV using clips from Hamtaro, Minihamuzu music videos and Gakuen Heaven's "Ham-Ham Heaven" segment.

Well, that's it from me for now. Looking forward to hearing from you!


Dear Btamamura-chan,

Congratulations on passing the audition! I'm really proud of you! I hope you feel better soon.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Don't mention it. :D Thanks for the good wishes and the prayers. My oniisan's disease turned out to be--insert ominous music here--dengue, but he'll be released from the hospital today and I think he's getting better. If I DO go to the retreat, I'll pass up the field trip, 'cause after all it's a three-day stay, and it's much more expensive.

As for being president, I've heaved a sigh of relief. The posters have already been made, so I'll stay as vice president. Half of myself is still hoping that I won't get elected... xD But thanks for the support anyway.

Anyway, guys, I noticed a creepy coincidence. Remember back in March when I told you that the Philippines' best rapper, Francis Magalona, had passed away? I was at school, so I didn't know about it immediately, but he passed at exactly 12:00 noon. It just so happened that our during our lunch break, Grace-chan asked me to sing any song with the word "Heaven" in the title. When I got home, I learned the news.

And then, just a few days ago, I included Ne-Yo in my list of favorite singers. Well, I read somewhere a couple of years ago that he's been dubbed as the next Michael Jackson. And... well, you must've already heard.

Bye, Michael.


P.S. I'd bet anything that Mom's distraught about this. She's been hoping and waiting for a long time that he'll return for another Philippine concert. And I will never focus obsessively on something related to music again. o_o

Dear SuzakuAngel,

Chichiri no Aijin had the dengue before. Just make sure your brother isn't given any aspirin. Tylenol is the best thing for it. we heard about Michael Jackson's passing. He was a very talented musician and he will be missed.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Ugh... Life's getting rough, and tomorrow I have surgery. I work at Subway now, I saw a counsellor once, have a phobia of hospitals, and currently working on a manga with a talented and skilled artist...

Life's somewhat balanced.


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

I hope your surgery goes well, no da. Good luck with the manga!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Thursday, June 25, 2009. 3:40 AM.

Ohisashiburi ne minna-san? Just thought I'd drop in a lil update on myself. I mean some friend I am to just stop talkin' to CnA an' the Seishi. Okay, so it took a while but Suiren is back!

So I've p*ssed away my first year of college an' my ma isn't too happy. It's been kinda hard to get into the swing of studying and such. But this summer I'm just gonna work at my part time job an' try an' prepare myself to do well in school this fall. Yeah... but it wasn't a total bad first year, Japanese is FREAKIN' awesome because my sensei is awesome! He reminded me of a taller version of Drew Carey when I first met him. Anyway, I have lots of friends in the class and I'm looking forward to Advanced Japanese this fall ^^.

And now unto the topic you've all been wondering about. Well I have an official boyfriend now. I fought so hard to make sure I wouldn't lose him back at Christmas time... apparently before we got together he was with a controling kinda girlfriend who didn't like him talking to other girls... all the sudden he wasn't talking to me at all... after a month of trying to reach him, he finally called me and told me he never wanted to see me again...

Well what's a girl like myself supposed to do? Suicide was an option as always but fer some reason... my heart hurt to much to even let death end it. SO, I shaved away all my hair (and nearly gave ma a heart attack) and decided I wasn't gonna take that from him. I treasure him as a friend and I'll be d*mned if I'm gonna let another friendship dissolve an' slip through my fingers. So eventually the b*tch broke up with him and moved away after trouble with the law... >.> and we started talking again an' after a while patched things up.

Needless to say I was very happy. I knew if I just held on an' fought a lil, I'd be able to make the man I love see how strong I can be. And now we're together and tho we live 100 miles apart, we talk every night on MSN an' I have a webcam so he can see me ^^. Just last week I went on vacation with him and his family to Lake Geneva Wisconsin. It was really fun, but I was just happy to wake up with Spencer poking me an' whining fer me to get up.

I'd love to go into detail about certain things and this problem I found out I have but I know we have younger kids on this site so Suiren will not devulge the details. It's just... well... ya know how I was always daydreaming about falling in love and uh... givin' myself to the one I love...? Some how things didn't turn out like how I imagined... I'm disappointed of course, but now I know I have a physical inability to "feel" anything.

Anywho. I figured it's probably my depression pills and I'm gonna see my doc soon to figure something out. It's just my luck that once I am in love and all, that I'd have a problem like this but I'm not surprised that I do. It's just one more thing to get frustrated about.

So I noticed that it's now past 4 am here in MN and I have a mess in the kitchen to pick up so ja matte ne!


Dear Suiren,

WOW! Ohisashiburi desu ne! We missed you. *They each give her a hug.* We're glad to hear you're alive and well and have a boyfriend. Good for you! College is a bit harder than high school but we know you'll do well. As for that other "problem", it is very possible that your medicine is the casue of it. Good luck and keep in touch!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Well, school has ended... I graduated from middle school... And I'll be going to High School AGAIN!!! *sigh* Anyway, at least my life here is not as hard as the life of my friends in the phil... I thank you guys for being so considerate with me and your other fans~~~!!! ^^ Thatz all! ^^


Dear Nishita,

Congratulations and good luck! Your welcome!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

By the way, guys... belated Happy Father's Day! ^_^ This especially goes out to the two Daddy Seishi, and to every other dad out there. Actually, we don't celebrate it 'round here anymore, but I'm cool with that. xD


Dear SuzakuAngel,


Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Got a big interview at De Anza College today and I'm a bit nervous about if I'm going to either make myself look like an idiot or if I won't get the job... *sigh* Oh the woes of a highschool graduate. -__-;

Anywhoo, I hope you guys enjoyed your "little" break. X


Dear Linds,

I'm sure you'll be fine! Ganbatte kudasai, no da!


Dear Hotohori,

I almost forgot: Happy Father's Day, Hotohori! (it's belated though... whoops.) Give Houki and little Boushin a hug for me!


Dear Linds,

Arigato for thinking of of me. I will give them each a hug from you.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi guys! ^^ Long time no contact! Congratulations to CnA-san for graduating, and good luck in grad school! It'll start two months and two weeks from now, right?

So, where did we leave off? :D Well, a few days after Mother's Day, the influenza A(H1N1) strain hit our country. How wonderful. So far, 347(?) have recovered from it, and I'm really happy about that. Someone who was hit by the influenzay (as I like to call it) died last week, but she had other complications--TB included. My sister started reviewing for the Accountancy boards a few weeks ago, and she'll take the exams in October--same month as her 21st birthday. So much for a relaxing birthday, huh? Oh, and my oniisan's platelet count's getting low--please pray for him, guys!

School started on June 8 where I study, and the school population's gotten greater. ^^ I've got twenty-eight classmates, if you count the junior who takes English subjects with us. I call him the Sixth President for being Mr. Adams' namesake. We haven't gotten drop-dead busy in school yet, but sophomores in my country are supposed to take the National Achievement Test before the school year ends.

The parties that will run for the student elections were set up last week. I belong to OMG (Outstanding Members of this Generation), the name of which I had suggested because it's popular, and I'm a candidate for Vice President! O_O I don't know if I can handle this! I must be the youngest candidate in who-knows-how-many years! And it doesn't stop there--one of the teachers wasn't pleased with the choices for president candidates, so the other party's vice president and I MIGHT be promoted to president! >_< Kowai!

On the brighter side of things, I was invited to join this three-day-all-girls' retreat to Baguio, which is a really cold place in my country, and I'm supposed to participate in a couple of contests. This event takes place every year for high school students. :D At first I was thinking, "Well, okay, I knew it was coming," but then my Grammar teacher told me they'll pitch me in the Spelling Bee and I suddenly thought, "CR*P!" To ease it up for myself, though, I think I'll join the Vocal Solo contest too. The bad side of this news? This needs a lot of dough. o_o

Anyway, it's okay even if you guys took a break for a while. ^_^ You guys deserve it, especially CnA-san. You're welcome for the greetings and gifts and such, and thanks for extending my greetings to the celebrants. :D By the way, MIAKA (the fraternity) stands for "Men Interested in Alpha Kappa Alpha". It's lulzworthy.



P.S. To Linds-san: I own a Creative MuVo V200. I've dropped it a good number of times and even cracked the flash disk part's case open, but it's still in tip-top shape. Good luck!

P.P.S. One of my fics, which had a stereotypical build-up at first, is shaping up well. I'm so happy about it. :3

P.P.P.S. I've recently finished watching Ichi Rittoru no Namida... besides FY, this is the only series that's ever made me cry.

Dear SuzakuAngel,

CnA says thank you for the congratulations. ^_^ She found out that Orientation is August 26-28 and the school starts on the 31st for her. Good luck to you and your sister! We'll certainly keep your oniisan in our thoughts. So, are you going to be able to participate in all those activities you told us about? We hope you can and that you'll have a good time. So, do we get to call you President SuzakuAngel soon?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

How do you feel about Nakago?


Dear June,

He was an evil yet tragic man.


Dear Tasuki,

You are so cute! *hands him a pet hamster and big pile of supplies* Enjoy!


Dear Ginta,

Thanks. What am I s'pposed to wit' it?


Dear Tamahome,

Knowing what you know about Nakago now, do you think he was truly evil?


Dear Ashley,

In a sense since he allowed his circumstances to twist him and make him evil.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

How do you all feel about Nakago? If you know about his tragic past earlier on, would you have handled things differently?


Dear Ashley,

We feel sad about his past but, it was not his past that caused us to fight him. It was his actions, so no we probably would not have done anything differently.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

hi-hi, Nuri-chan! *glomps* I missed you~! How have you been? ^^ Of course I forgive the lateness of your reply.

My mood is better now. I'm still sick unfotunately, but it's better than on the weekend, I was so sick I couldn't sleep... only got about 1 and a half hours over the whole weekend. Each time I closed my eyes I felt like I was about to chunder. (That's Aussie slang for throw up)

I have been reluctant to talk to Aunt Ann. Plus, when I try, she's not home. So things aren't really progressing in that department.

I have been watching a LOT of Hamtaro in Japanese over the weekend, downloading the first movie now. I decided to search for episodes after getting some Morning Musume songs, since a subgroup of theirs (Mini Moni) is in the Hamtaro movies as Minihamuzu.

My friend introduced me to NANA yesterday, I'm definitely checking out more of that anime. She told me "I'm pretty sure you'll love it" and showed me some clips. I found out Seki Tomokazu and Ishida Akira were both in it, and she then said "that's why I told you you'll love it".

I've been making a few videos lately, they're all up on youtube. I've made AMVs for Angelique and a few fandubs, most for Angelique, two auditions for the Hetalia fandub project... I'm going to be Toris/Lithuania!!

We're getting more rain here, I hope we get enough to help with our drought problems...of course, come late spring-early summer and we'll be back to being dry as a bone.

Well, that's it for now. Looking forward to hearing from you. Bye~!


Dear Btamamura-chan,

Ooh, Seki-san! Which character is he in the anime? I hope you feel better soon. Good luck on your auditions!


Dear Tasuki,

Looks like Obake-chan fell for that little trick I suggested to ya! *high-fives* I could suggest worse tricks but blood-stains are hard to get out.

You know what I don't get? I read some of the previous posts and it seems like you guys are dub haters. Well, not to pick a fight or anything, but the dub voices on FY are okay. I might as well put my opinions down.

Tamahome: It's fine, it's decent, but yes, I will admit, the melodrama with the voice when he tells Miaka how much he loves her gets to be too much.

Hotohori: I seriously have NO problem with this dub voice. It matches his character perfectly. It's kind and gentle and totally him. Work on the battle scream though in ep 22...

Tasuki: Very nice! It has a nice balance between the tough-guy, humor, and sappy moments. I don't see a problem with this one either.

Nuriko: Okay, how the hell can someone say that Nuriko's dub voice sounds like "Whoopi Goldberg after she smokes a pack of cigarettes?" I think it's fine. Nothing is wrong with this dub voice either. It has nice girl and guyish tones.

Chichiri: I guess the only problem I have with this one is when he's being silly. I personally like his serious voice in dub.

Mitsukake: It sounds serious, and doctor-like, which is fitting for him. It's supposed to sound serious, right?

Chiriko: It's okay. I haven't heard it much because he doesn't appear in many episodes until ep 24. Sometimes I get the voice confused with Miaka's though...

Anyway, I'm not p*ssed or anything like that, but I thought I'd throw my two cents in. *shrugs* Oh, and here's some more sake, buddy! *hands you some*


Dear Linds,

*Stands in front of her dripping wet and not happy...* Yeah, it was funny till I got dumped in th' *^+^%$# pond! Anyway, yer certainly allowed to yer two cents, jus' don't let Tamahome see 'em he'll try to get 'em offa ya'! Grins*


Dear Tamahome,

Sorry 'bout telling Tasuki to glue that ryo to the ground. *rubs back of head and smiles* I couldn't resist!

Anywhoo, I'm not going to tell you how much money I earned from my graduation because I'm pretty sure your eyes would pop out of your head and roll on the floor if I told you. I spent some of it on getting the whole FY manga collection. It finally came in a few days ago and I finished reading all of them. I've got too much time on my hands at the moment. ^^;

Ja ne!


Dear Linds,

So that was YOUR fault?? *Grins* Oh well, I guess it was worth it sine I dumped him in the pond. Ou get okane for graduating? Maybe I should go to school...


Dear Chiriko,

Hi there! I wanted to thank you for the translations you gave me. I really appreciate it!

Well, luck or plain common sense must've been with me, because I managed to pass all my classes and graduated highschool! I even managed to pass my Congress Final with a C (well, if it's a passing grade, that's fine with me. I'm no valedictorian!)

So what's next? I've been offered a job over at De Anza College which is just half a mile from where I live. That's very convenient for me. I was going to take an art class but I dropped it after finding out how many hours it would be if I combined 6-8 hrs of work plus 3 more hours of night class. I'll take it in the Fall Quarter. It's no big loss.

I think Tamahome would flip if he knew how much money I got from graduation parties...


Dear Linds,

*Smiles* You're welcome. He probably would. Maybe that would make hm want to go to school. Congratulations on your graduation and new job!


Dear Nuriko,

Hidy ho! It's been some time since I talked with all of you! How have you been?

I'm currently enjoying my "break" after graduation and waiting for the people at De Anza College to call me back for what time I can come over there for my interview. I'm getting a job over there and will be basically doing office work, food service, and probably landscaping. Unfortuantely, I had to drop the drawing class I signed up for after finding out how many hours it would be if I combined 6-8 hrs of work along with 3 more hours of a night class.

It's not a total loss, since I didn't even pay yet since the college gives you about 5 days to pay the fee and I dropped it before it could even reach the deadline. I've worked more than 8 hrs before though, but I don't think my feet will handle that again. Stupid feet...

Anyways, enough of my blabbering on and on. I hope you guys are doing fine. *hugs and shoes for you!*


Dear Linds,

Shoes? *Grins* Congratulations on graduating and getting a job as well as attending college. Good for you!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I might as well break the news to you all instead of spamming you one-by-one with what I have to say. *clears throat*


*ahem* So yeah, I was thinking of all of you as I walked up on stage. I was a bit nervous so I kinda imagined you guys waving/cheering as my name was called. *sweatdrop*

So... anyone up for watching 007 Casino Royale for celebration? *holds up DVD*


Dear Linds,

*They all smile at her thinking of them.* Congratulations! We are all so proud of you! Casino Royale sounds great!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

It's been so long, Hotohori. Good news: I graduated! I was so happy to be done with school and now I have a job at De Anza College.

My cap flew off as soon as I got on stage to receive my diploma. It was very nice and sunny but windy. Everyone was having trouble keeping their caps on.

Here's a picture of me, walking up to the seats http://doubleedgesword.deviantart.com/art/Grad-Pic-125833114

I'm so glad you guys are back after a long month. I missed you! *hugs*


Dear Linds,

Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! We too are glad to be back as we missed everyone as well. Congratulations on your new job too! *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

OMG! One of my friend pushed me beside my crush., last tuesday., And he was so cute that day! I wanted to say hi but then I can't say it., He even looked at me., Cause my friend said "hey hey! look beside you!" in tagalog off course., I think he knows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cause he understand some tagalog words.,

Oh! and btw, don't bother answering my individual question to you guys., Cause it was the same questions I made a long long long time ago., ahahahaha., Just answer my last message and this., I really need some tips~~~ nya~~~~~ Still loving FY!!!! ^^

Kristene Mary A.

Dear Kristene Mary A.,

Well if he knows you like him, why not try to spend ome more time with him so you can get to know each other better? You know, like go out for a soda or hang ut with friends. Good luck!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

... would you happen to have heard of the MIAKA fraternity? 'Cause it makes me sort of LOL. ^^


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Nope, never heard of it.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

hi crimson phoenix those the suzaku7 were fine? or trouble? do you know lady Mayo from OVAII eikoden? she is hotter than miaka,i wish the animators will create a new OVA of FY in 2009? because i wish SUZAKU DEFEATED SEIRYU!! and peace has begun... and all suzaku seishi survive the war and the suzaku seishi will have a vacation on miaka`s world

Aiden krushrenada

Dear Aiden krushrenada,

We're gladyou liked the OAV. We do know who Mayo is. She turned out to be a nice girl.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

hi anime hero,can i call you Taka plz.and i think you are a super hero anime character i think did you try s*x with miaka^_^ hahaha!!!

Allie valley

Dear Allie valley,

Ano... sure... Thanks. Miaka is my wife, what do you think?


Dear Nuriko,

hi sexy lady if i watch episode 33 i saw your imagination that you were in miaka`s world is really make me scream bec. its cool,nuriko i hoped you kiss emperor hotohori`s lips,you need to try it! NURIKO THE COOLEST ANIME CHARACTER EVER!!!,i love you nuriko

Aiden krushrenada

Dear Aiden krushrenada,

Ano... arigato. By the way, I'm a guy not a girl.


Dear Tasuki,


Allie valley

Dear Allie valley,

Thanks? *Looks at screamimng fangirl...


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

FY`s last OVA is super nice the suzaku warriors the one who died is revived!!! yehay!and mayo is much hotter than miaka,i think eikoden is the last OVA i wish there is a new one or better

Aiden krushrenada

Dear Aiden krushrenada,

We're glad you enjoyed it.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Happy birthday, Chichiri! :D *feels somewhat accomplished catching so many birthdays on time* I wonder; what is it you like to do on your birthday? Would you just sit and relax, or go out and have fun? xD *is curious*


Dear Ayako-chan,

Arigato! I like to relax and be with my friends, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

hey there, just a quick letter to say I recently got something cool... I got plushies of all of you, Tama and Miaka! The plushies are all on my bed with numerous other anime plushies that aren't too large.

See ya next time!


Dear Btamamura-chan,


Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

hey there, Nuri-chan, how are you? I do hope you're well...

At the moment, I'm not doing so great. I still feel hurt from something that took place last month which I will explain shortly. Also, I have caught a cold and I'm very concerned about a dear friend of mine I consider to be like my little sister. I sent her a message, I hope she'll be okay...

Okay, to explain about what happened, I'll start with this question: have you ever had your trust betrayed by a loved one? That happened to me. Do you recall a while back when I mentioned I had come out? I had told Aunt Ann, and she told me not to tell Aunt Kathy. But, she told her anyway. She told me not to tell her because she wouldn't handle it well, and she was right. On Good Friday, I was already struggling with memories of the first assault that took place seven years ago, but to have Aunt Kathy say things like "I don't want to see you with a woman, I want to see you with a man and having children", "your mother would not be okay with this" and so on, I felt sick, angry and upset. I tried to hide my face from her view because I was about to burst into tears. It was only after she'd noticed that she eased up and changed her words to "well, I'm not happy with it, but it's your life". That's right it's my life and my choice, it's also my choice as to who I tell. I'm very hurt by Aunt Ann telling someone without my permission. It could've ended worse that day. At least when my cousin thought of telling her parents and brother, she actually asked me if she could do so, saying it would make it a lot easier for me. It did, and I am so glad they took it well too.

I'm still angry and upset about what Aunt Ann did. I don't think I'll be able to trust her with such sensitive matters anymore. The only reason I wanted to tell her in the first place was because she's Mum's closest sister, her best friend. I could always go to her. But now, how can I if she would tell the family gossip about it? Yes, Aunt Kathy is considered the gossip of the family, we had to watch what we said around her in the past, or someone else in the family could've learned about it and trouble could've been the result.

Not next week, but the week after, will be my last session with Bernie. I wasn't able to have much counselling done in our short time. However, he has offered to hook me up with another counsellor. This is something I'm used to now, it has always happened in the past (and that's why I could never get the help I needed to cope with everything, I was always moved to someone else if my problems became too much).

I was hoping my next letter to you would be some great news, or just a little "howdy", but unfortunately, life isn't friendly enough at the moment. Hopefully next time I won't be so depressed...

That's it for now. I missed you, Nuri-chan.


Dear Btamamura-chan,

*Gives her a hug.* I'm sorry that your aunt betrayed your trust and that it has taken me so long to answer you. I hope you can forgive me and that you are in better spirits now. Have you considered telling your aunt how you feel and that you feel betrayed by her? Perhaps if you explained yourself she would understand and respect your wishes. If she doesn't after you talk to her then you know that she can't be trusted. I hope that isn't the case.


Dear Chichiri,

Happy birthday! :) I'm not really sure what to say... soooo have some green tea muffins! ^_^


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Arigato no da!


Dear Chiriko,

i think you are 13 but small,ive imagined the legendary warrior seriously,and the most important of all if you enter to miaka`s world you will find your new girlfriend... oh yeah!!! ^_^


Dear Nubaku,

Arigato for your kind words.


Dear Tasuki,

you are the best,you rule,very funny!!!,i wish you will live on miaka`s world forever.TASUKI ROCKS!!!


Dear Nubaku,

Thanks! *Grins*


Dear Chichiri,

you are a little funny,i saw you transform into a woman and you are my 3rd fav.anime character


Dear Nubaku,

*Smiles* Arigato, no da!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hey guys, I need some help~~~ You see, I really like this one guy in my school., He's also filipino like me., he talks kinda funny in tagalog though., And I really wanna talk to him., And be friends with him., Just friends, and not more than that., But whenever I have the chance, I keep on loosing it!!!

I really can't talk to him., But I can leave some comments to him in myspace., But I really want to be his friend!!!

And OMG! One time, his friend, a girl, Pulled down his pants., And I saw his boxer shorts!!! I really wanted to laugh!! His face was so~~~ funny., He was right in front of me., and so close!!! Even if I'm used to those situations, I wanted to laugh so hard! But I was controlling it.,

So yeah., I hope ALL of you will give me some advice., I really need it~~~

Kristene A

Dear Kristene A,

What do you mean by he "talks funny"? You should look past his speech and and remember why you like him and want to be his friend. Maybe you can invite him out to a group activty with you and your friends and get to know him better that way. Good luck!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Talk about a real bummer! My mp3 player which I have had for 5 years is dying... TT__TT I feel so naked without my music! Now I have to buy another one... which means I gotta reload songs all over again...

I'm currently looking at Creative Zen ones right now, since they are the most reliable. I don't follow the ipod trends XD


Dear Linds,

I'm sorry it broke. Unforunately, I have no good sugestions for you for a new player.


Dear Hotohori,

Well, stress is starting to creep up on me again.. *sigh* I just want to be done with highschool and not have to deal with this anxiety/stress for a long time. Not to mention since Finals are approaching, I have no choice but to study, which I absolutely loathe.

Ah gomen ne. I'd hate to be piling my problems on you. You're so sweet for being understanding. *hugs*


Dear Linds,

*Pats her hand* It's ok, you know I'm here for you. I'm sure you did jut fine on your finals.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIAKA-CHAAAAN!!!! *huggles her and hands her flowers and a free all-you-can-eat buffet ticket* I hope Tama-kins treats you well, today ;3


P.S. To the seishi: my birthday is tomorrow, don't forget! :D *gets nudged by Seki* oh yeah...and my buddy wants an autograph from Tamahome xD;; However!! I am expecting gifts from the rest of you!!! (Tamahome gets let off because of Miaka and the autograph thing) MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAH... *cough* ignore the evil laugh...it means nothing! >> -^____*- Luv you guys!

Dear Ayako-chan,

Arigato! Happy belated bithday to you!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Hey there! ^_^ Please tell Miaka tanjobi omedetou for me! :3 I also made this, y'know... Take care, both of you!


Dear SuzakuAngel,

It's wonderful! Arigato from both of us!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi guys! Guess what... Watashi wa Ringu series no dai fan desu!! ^^

I just downloaded this video-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2bOm59Rhfs via www.youtubecatcher.com. I... think it's not that scary. Hee hee hee... It's not like Sadako can call a busy phone line, you know! (I'm using dial-up internet, so I have to cut off the phone line every time I go online.) Take that, you psycho-pathic-slash-pathetic well ghost! I'm not scared of you, haha! And... I watched this at exactly 12 midnight. Just a while ago - it's now 12:15 am on the computer clock! Wheee!!!

Hehe, sorry for ranting. I guess I was just anticipating Halloween too early. Either that, or it was the "post-review" blues. I just attended a college entrance exam review course last April, and I was quite busy... So, how are you guys doing? I sure missed a lot while I was busy... Ahehehe... And my belated congratulations to Chichiri-no-Aijin-san for getting into graduate school! Wahh... reminds me of college... I'll already be a senior high school student come June, and I'll have to start being serious if I want to get into that university I'm aiming for... Wish me luck!)

Oh, by the way, I have a couple of keychains here. This one with the picture of a Chinese boat is for Tasuki-san (as thanks for lending me his tessen, and as a belated birthday gift... ^^), and this golden elephant keychain is for Hotohori-sama (my real birthday gift! Sorry if it's quite late...) That, and also, I want to greet Miaka-san and Houki-sama a belated "Happy Mother's Day!"... And (belated/advanced) Happy Birthday to Tasuki-san and to Miaka-san...

Oh my... I'm pretty rushed... Gotta get some rest now. Bai-bai, minna-san! ^^

Sode no Shirayuki

Dear Sode no Shirayuki,

Arigato for the presents and good wishes! Congratulatons on becoming a Senior! How exciting! Chichiri no Aijin says thank you! The best time we ever heard with "Ringu" was when CnA was at a Halloween party watching it with a big group of people and the phone in the house started ringing and ringing and ringing... Finally one guy said, "I don't know about you guys but I'm NOT answering that!"

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Hi again! I was wondering if you could help me out with a few words to translate into Japanese for my story?

"My little nightingale"

"Please don't cry."

"Why do I feel this way?"

"You're such an idiot..."

"You stay away from her! Understand?!"

"Imperial fool."

"I-I'm not ready..."

"I said no, Tamotsu!"



Dear Linds,

Here are your translations:

"My little nightingale" - Watashi no chisaii uguisu

"Please don't cry." - Nakanaidekudasai

"Why do I feel this way?" - Watashi ga naze ka kousurebaokaninasai?

"You're such an idiot..." - Sonoyouna baka de aru

"You stay away from her! Understand?!" - Kanojou o sakeru! Wakarimasuka?

"Imperial fool." - Teikoku orokamono.

"I-I'm not ready..." - W-watashi wa junbigadekiteinai.

"I said no, Tamotsu!" - Tamotsu, watashi wa iie o iwanakatta!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi guys! Happy Mother's Day! ^_^ Please send my greetings to the moms over there too. :3 Actually, it's also my oniisan's birthday today.


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Arigato! Gomen for posting this so late!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Hi there! Hey, is that a gold ryo on the ground over there? *points*


Dear Linds,

Eh? *Tries to pick it up and it doesn't budge.*


Dear Hotohori,

I'm sure you're concerned about why I've been so sad and anxious lately. I'm better now, Hotohori. I know you care about me and I appreciate it. You're a such a great friend. Arigato gozaimasu. *hugs you*

I showed this picture to Nuriko earlier, but I'm sure you'll like it as well. I actually love Nightingales, especially the uguisu. They have such beautiful calls.


Dear Linds,

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. *Gives her a hug.* Arigato for the lovely picture.


Dear Tasuki,

Heya. So, Koji or Tamahome getting on your nerves? XD

Once I get chapter 6 of Naichinge-Ru Inu up, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's got lotsa bad@$$ery, blood, swords, and a creepy twist. Of course, I'm not going to get much time to finish it on the weekend. I've got a Physio test coming up. Just finished up on the Reproductive unit (can you say awkward? haha!)

Hey, if you happen to run into Tamahome, try gluing a ryo to the ground and see if he'll try to pick it up. ;D I'm sure he'll fall for it!


Dear Linds,

Nah not really. But I did yer prank an' it was *^%$#@+ GREAT!! Thanks!


Dear Nuriko,

I just wanted to give another "hello" and see how things are going. Unfortunately, if I tie up Hotohori again, I might get him mad *giggles innocently*

I'm so close to graduation day, it's a bit overwhelming. This last year as a senior seems to bear a lot more pressure than my previous three years in highschool. Of course, when Finals are over, all I have to worry about is graduation rehersals (ugh... so tedious and repetitive.) I plan to take a class in acrylic painting in a community college and possibly a fiction writing class in the Winter Quarter. I also have to find a job, but I found a program that specializes in helping youths like me find jobs despite the poor economy here in the States. I'm hoping to find a good veterinary clinic to work at.

And of course, I'm still drawing and writing. I think you'll like this picture.

I enjoyed drawing this one.


Dear Linds,

Lovely picture! Congratulations on your graduation! Good louck on your job hunt and upcoming college classes! I'm sure you'll be awesome!


Dear Mitsukake,

I've probably already said this to you, but after watching ep 16 of FY, it still makes me cry every time. I don't get how people can say you're boring. You're not. Even the quiet, reserved people have a story to tell.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. *smiles sweetly* Shoka was such a kind woman...


Dear Linds,

*Smiles* Arigato for your kind words.


Dear Mitsukake,

HAPPY BIRRRRRTHDAAAAAAAAY!!!!! xD... and many more :3 Your present? You get a Shoka-san for a day :D *"throws" Shoka at u*

Shoka: @__@;; *is dizzy--recovers and smiles at you warmly* Hello, Juan...<3

Ayako-chan and Shoka-san

P.S.: don't kill me! *runs away and hides behind a rock to watch*

Dear Ayako-chan and Shoka-san,

*Catches Shoka* Arigato. Ano... Would you like to assist me today?


Dear Mitsukake,

Hi there! Happy birthday! *gives you bottles of burning oil* These are your gifts... I picked bergamot, frankincense, grapefruit and lime. I read that they're all supposed to calm the mind. Enjoy using them!


P.S. I'd also like to give a little shout-out to Tama-neko... =^_^=

Dear SuzakuAngel,

*Smiles* Arigato!


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